MY Journey
The story begins with a young girl who worked at a summer camp and noticed something that deeply resonated with her own childhood experiences: kids being left out. Having faced similar challenges herself, she felt a strong desire to make a difference. This sparked her idea to share her passion for reptiles with these children.
Despite initial skepticism from some, many kids soon opened up and found joy in learning about these fascinating creatures. They discovered how to save precious reptiles through conservation and were captivated by the amazing facts about their scaly friends. This young girl’s dedication and enthusiasm created an engaging and inclusive environment where every child felt valued.
Years later, this girl, now with a wealth of experience and a strong resume, turned her passion into a thriving business. Reptiliana was born from her dream to continue sharing her love for reptiles with the world. With extensive experience working with both kids and reptiles, she is committed to educating and inspiring the next generation about the importance of conservation and the wonders of these incredible creatures.
At Reptiliana, we believe in the power of education and the joy of discovery. Our mission is to create a welcoming space where everyone can learn about reptiles and how to protect them. Join us on this exciting journey as we explore the world of reptiles and inspire a love for these unique animals.